My identity is intertwined with the artwork I make - it always has been, and it always will be. I am a multidisciplinary, queer and mixed-race artist who strives to create art that offers a view of the world as seen through my eyes. I strive to be as informed, as honest and as compassionate as I can when it comes to creating artwork so that my work is appropriate to the particular social, political and cultural context that I am creating it within.
My Grandma is one of the most inspirational people I know. She immigrated to the UK in the 1940s from Hong Kong and settled in York to start a family and run a business alongside my Granddad. We were one of the first Chinese families in York and I am incredibly proud that I can say that.

Growing up, she always told me that I was so lucky to be in education as she did not have that privilege. She told me that knowledge is power, and that the more you know the better because nobody can take away what’s inside your mind. I stand by this piece of advice and strive to constantly learn new things to enhance my knowledge.

1. Knowledge is power – nobody can take that away from you
2. Constantly strive to learn more
3. Don’t let perfectionism rule your life
4. Listen to others but don’t let them get you down
5. Be true to yourself
6. It’s okay to not be okay
7. Make mistakes and embrace them
8. Always be honest
9. Respect and nurture your environment
10. Work hard, keep experimenting, but most importantly - have fun